A note to my gender.

May 08, 2006 14:54

Alcohol is a woman.

She is intoxicating and beautiful.

She is manipulative and sexually dominating.

She will steer any love into utter ruin just to remind herself that she is lovely and hasn't lost her luster and power.

She plays with minds, and if you take in too much of her, she will destroy you and you will expel her from your system.

She makes people I love put themselves in serious danger for no real purpose other than acceptance and a means of escape.

I hate manipulative women.

Call me an anti-feminist, I don't give a fuck. Women who lower themselves to that standard deserve neither my sisterhood nor my allegiance.

Women will tear each other apart for power over men, or compete for prestige...and they do it behind the back of their sisters.

I do not think this concept is foreign to men, but at least men attack in the foreground.

Men think they are more carnal and instinctual, but I disagree.

Women have always dominated society.

Perhaps it is the power we gain from knowing that we can bear the children that will lead humanity into the future.

Maybe women fight back harder in response to years of undeniable oppression and ignorance toward our very anatomy.

I honestly do not and cannot know.

But here's the deal, girls: I'm sick of being fucked with and lied to.

I give you my trust too easily, and throughout my lifetime you've betrayed me and tried to separate me from the things and people that I love, including my very self.

Cuts from my sisters go deeper.

Frankly, I find it amazing that I am angrier at certain women for what they've done to me and my family than I am at men who have literally molested me.

I am tired of resenting and fearing my own gender.

I am tired of the power struggle, ladies. I'm not a competitive person.

Don't tell me I'm weak.
Don't send out sexual energy when you see my boyfriend around.
Don't flirt with him behind my back.
Don't tell me how to handle my relationship.
Don't treat my mother badly.
Don't manipulate or cheat on my male friends.

Don't claim to be a Christian while acting dishonestly and use your religion to mask your inexcusable behavior...
You women have made me hate God. Are you fucking satisfied?
You've destroyed a relationship that I could have had with my creator, if IT really exists.

You tell me how to relate to my boyfriend when you don't even know how we act when we're together. You tell me more problems exist than actually do. You tell me we fight too much. You tell me you don't understand why I stay with him, and you think I take your advice to heart. Well I love him. Plain and simple. So stop trying to make drama out of nothing. I don't appreciate or agree with you or your unsolicited advice.

You destroyed my relationship with my father. A man who helped give me life that, whether I agree with his behavior all the time or not, is part of me and where I came from, and I will never truly know what it's like to have a father.

You forced my mother to grovel at your feet, begging for her job. Begging for acceptance. You turned a strong woman into that. You tore her apart and made me watch. Made us leave our city and way of life because you wanted to treat God like a fucking corporation.

I am done with all of you.
I wish I could feel the solidarity you all seem to feel, but I don't want to be associated with that.
So, prove to me you're worth my allegiance, or shut the fuck up.
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