Age: 18
Height: 5'10''
Weight: Average, maybe on the slim side
Medical Info: Dead and vamped! Can't be outside in the daytime lest she burst into flames. She is especially difficult to kill, but the usual vampiric methods of staking, beheading and exposure to sunlight all work (it's not made clear if draining her of all her blood would kill her or simply make her very easy for someone to kill). Crucifixes have no effect on her at all, but she is (relatively mildly as compared to other vampire mythology) allergic to garlic. Old vampires cannot enter holy ground, but Jessica was turned less than a year ago and therefore can. Silver is toxic to her to the point of burning and melting her skin at point of contact. Lives purely on blood - however, it can be and usually is artificial.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Physical traits: When strongly emotional - including turned on and hungry - her fangs 'pop'. Usually, she can mostly pass for human. However, she is pretty damn pale and her cuticles and the inside of her eyelids are bright red, so she is discernable as a vampire if you know what to look for. However, she usually wears red nail varnish and eyeliner specifically to hide these. She has also been known to use sandpaper/nail files to file down her fangs into something more normal looking - they grow back quickly. She also cries tears of blood and sleeps during the day, which is a dead giveaway ahaha I'll be here all week.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything o/ Recognising her is fine, just expect a lot of confusion.
Abilities: Speed, strength and agility. Can also glamour (that is, hypnotise) people to do what she wants, forget certain things, seduce them into giving her their blood etc. For a vampire, especially a baby vampire, she is mad talented at this - she's already stronger at it than vampires a century older than her (i.e. Bill) and can glamour multiple people at once, something that could be rare (no one else in the series has done it yet, even when it would have been really damn helpful). As a baby vampire, she can still enter holy places and possibly survive very brief exposure to sunlight.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: Nothing in particular, besides being a vampire. Sookie, a mind reader in True Blood, can't read the mind of any vampire, including Jessica. I'm perfectly fine with mind readers and the like being able to read Jessica's mind anyway because frankly it's more fun that way and that could just be a Sookie-thing, not a vampire thing, but do what you like with that.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Let me know about the first two!
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: GO AHEAD.
Maim/Murder/Death: Talk to me! o/
Cooking: ... She can microwave a bottle of blood?