Goatz23: hey cock (unappropriate greeting.-1)
GreAtContrAversy: hey?
Goatz23: hi
GreAtContrAversy: who is this?
Goatz23: what was with your post?
Goatz23: drink bleach?
GreAtContrAversy: yessir. you decided to insult a friend of mine, and i decided it was necessary to respond.
Goatz23: he responded
Goatz23: it had nothing to do with you
Goatz23: and my post was in response to a post he made toward me
GreAtContrAversy: doesnt matter. when one picks on zach in particular, i feel obligated to stand up.
Goatz23: you had no business getting involved
Goatz23: the whole thing was a misunderstanding anyway
GreAtContrAversy: i had every right to get involved.
Goatz23: you did not
GreAtContrAversy: yes, i did.
Goatz23: no you fucking didnt (use of unnecessary explatives. -1)
Goatz23: im not gonna sit here and bitch back and forth
GreAtContrAversy: then leave.
Goatz23: you had no reason to be involved at that point
GreAtContrAversy: yes, i did.
Goatz23: you are being an asshole (name calling. -2)
Goatz23: i didnt tell zach to go drink bleach or anything even close to somehting like that
GreAtContrAversy: no, im being myself. if you deem me an asshole, thats your stand on the matter,
Goatz23: thats how (cogent thought process? i think not! -5)
Goatz23: or thats your (ditto. no penalty.)
GreAtContrAversy: no, but you did call him flat out a douche, an egotistical fucker, someone who is desperate for attention
Goatz23: because i was pissed about his comment, i responded how i thought necessary at the time
GreAtContrAversy: as did i.
Goatz23: whcih may have been wrong but thats not between you and i
Goatz23: it was between him and i
Goatz23: and responding kill yourself and making a list is not necessary
Goatz23: if you deemed that necessary
GreAtContrAversy: no, i NEVER said kill yourself.
Goatz23: you are the one with the mental problems (accusation of mental instability. -3)
GreAtContrAversy: not once.
GreAtContrAversy: it was implied, but i ne'er said it.
Goatz23: you said it in like 5 milliom ways
Goatz23: but never used those words
Goatz23: what diff does it make
Goatz23: it was more than implied, you told me to shoot myself
GreAtContrAversy: no, i told you a favorite way of passing time. if you didnt notice, i didnt say with a loaded gun
GreAtContrAversy: so, if its not loaded, you cant shoot yourself.
Goatz23: drink bleach was a direct command
Goatz23: and drinking bleach would in fact kill youu
GreAtContrAversy: ah, that is a common misconception.
GreAtContrAversy: drinking bleach poisions you. time kills you.
Goatz23: you are such a dick and that post was extremely unnecessary (name calling. -1)
Goatz23: one day you MAY get whats coming to you.
Goatz23: so long.
GreAtContrAversy: no, one day, i will get whats comming to me. one day, i will die
GreAtContrAversy: oh, man. im gonna cry now.
Goatz23: oh man i can be sarcastic (caught my sarcasm. no points. just a pat on the back)
GreAtContrAversy: im sorry, death is one of the very many things that dont scare me
Goatz23: fuckin aye oh man im a douche (sarcasm... BAD sarcasm. -5)
Goatz23: does losing kerry scare you/ (stupid question. -3)
GreAtContrAversy: well, now. we just digressed to the mental state of a four year old, didnt we.
Goatz23: ha, only following your lead (stupid assumption. i didnt play the name calling game. -2)
Goatz23: answer the question
GreAtContrAversy: nay, but you didnt. you started the name game
GreAtContrAversy: yes, and ive come to terms that one day i will lose her.
Goatz23: i think its fair
GreAtContrAversy: what is?
Goatz23: the name game
GreAtContrAversy: no, not really.
Goatz23: i didnt start the " use ful tips for killing yourself chris" game
GreAtContrAversy: we were having a civil conversation
Goatz23: no we werent i have no desire to be civil with you (uncivility. -3)
GreAtContrAversy: woah, it was "useful ways to pass the time" game
Goatz23: you knew damn well what it was (another stupid assumption. -2)
GreAtContrAversy: then, you imed me behind the safety of a screen... for what?
Goatz23: the safety of a screen?
Goatz23: you cant do shit to me (unnecessary use of explatives. -1)
Goatz23: and wouldnt
GreAtContrAversy: perhaps.
Goatz23: not perhaps
Goatz23: you wouldnt (assumptions. -1)
GreAtContrAversy: perhaps.
Goatz23: haha.
GreAtContrAversy: something humorous?
Goatz23: just you (bad come back. -3)
GreAtContrAversy: and why's that?
Goatz23: because, you cannot just accept the fact that your previous comment was so pointless, you won't touch me
GreAtContrAversy: well, obviously, we're not seeing eye to eye on something here. my comment, i felt, was necessary, for motives far beyond you, and just because i wouldnt touch you in school, doenst mean i wouldnt find you. infact, i have a pretty little history of doing the sort
Goatz23: i can imagine
Goatz23: psycho boy (name calling. -1)
Goatz23: keri has told me you have a history of not letting go of things.
GreAtContrAversy: *theme music for digression of mental age plays*
GreAtContrAversy: oh, real nice. bring keri into this.
Goatz23: she didnt add anything negative on to it
Goatz23: she just said you have a hard time letting go of things
GreAtContrAversy: yes, this is true.
Goatz23: so im saying its not hard for me to believe that youd do something like that
GreAtContrAversy: i saw a shrink for anger management for a while
Goatz23: how exciting for you (more bad sarcasm. -3)
GreAtContrAversy: isnt it?!
Goatz23: yep
Goatz23: just because you have an anger problem does not mean you can find me and expect to kick my ass ( assuming that i cant/wont. -10)
GreAtContrAversy: no, i didnt say i was going to, now did i.
Goatz23: nope you didnt
GreAtContrAversy: and why would i expect to kick your ass?
Goatz23: you implied it
GreAtContrAversy: when was this?
Goatz23: "yond you, and just because i wouldnt touch you in school, doenst mean i wouldnt find you. infact, i have a pretty little history of doing the sort "
GreAtContrAversy: aye, but i never said i'd kick your ass
Goatz23: fine if youd like to be all correct
Goatz23: you'll touch me
Goatz23: and that could mean many things
GreAtContrAversy: yes it could. all including a pat on the back
Goatz23: all including a finger in my ass too (being incredibly irritating. -4)
GreAtContrAversy: very true. but seeing as how i have a girlfriend, that isnt going to happen. i try to be loyal.
Goatz23: yeah i can tell, especially when you're practically drooling all over kelly. (cheapshot. -5)
GreAtContrAversy: riight. drooling over kelly. seeing how she's one of my best friends, and i wouldnt touch her.
Goatz23: bullshit
Goatz23: you were all over her
GreAtContrAversy: no bullshit.
Goatz23: and that isnt just my opinion
GreAtContrAversy: how was i "all over her"
GreAtContrAversy: who elses opinion is it?
Goatz23: as soon as keri was gone youd flock right to her and you were very touchy with her, you arent as touchy with anyone else but keri
Goatz23: im not saying who else thinks so
GreAtContrAversy: why not?
Goatz23: you don't know them really anywya (loss of credibliity... the nonexistant kind. -5)
GreAtContrAversy: because without them, your statement is just an opinion
Goatz23: cause ive learned enough not to drag my friends into things
Goatz23: to you its just an opinion
Goatz23: not to me
GreAtContrAversy: therefore it holds no water with me.
GreAtContrAversy: or, almost anyone else.
Goatz23: it doesnt matter to me
GreAtContrAversy: then why did you bring it up, if it doesnt matter to you?
Goatz23: to contradict your i try to be loyal statement
GreAtContrAversy: have i touched kelly in a sexual way?
GreAtContrAversy: have i strayed from keri?
GreAtContrAversy: nay
GreAtContrAversy: therefore, your contradiction has been shot down./
Goatz23: hmm sexual is very vague term
Goatz23: and that doesnt matter at all anyway
Goatz23: your intentions matter
Goatz23: and i cannot determine those
GreAtContrAversy: and my intentions are as with keri as they have ever been
Goatz23: mhm.
GreAtContrAversy: so, it looks as if you're trying to break her and i up, or your trying to cause a controversy... and either one doesnt score you points (-a bizillion. but for scoring purposes, -10)
Goatz23: no i dont care
Goatz23: i just think you are an asshole for it (name calling. -1)
GreAtContrAversy: for what?
GreAtContrAversy: being close to kelly?
Goatz23: too close
GreAtContrAversy: no, that would be your opinion
GreAtContrAversy: in which case, holds no water with me.
Goatz23: thats ok
GreAtContrAversy: so, are we done?
Goatz23: sure
GreAtContrAversy: excellent. you have a good night, now.
Goatz23: i hope your night sucks. (immaturity. -7)
Goatz23: cya
*note. i did not take points off for spelling. typos are common, and shall be excused.. for the time being. hey. even I make mistakes*
you have scored a 21/100. in total, you lost 79 pts, for all of the above.
Congratulations, You Suck. ALOT.
Your name will NOT be removed from this post, and your screen name will be accessible to any and all who want to harass you. i do not condone it, but i am not liable for others actions.
With that being duely noted, once again. You Suck. you deserve a trophy. Try the Darwin Awards.
Enjoy Kiddies!