BAWWWWWWWWWW what about the poor men's feelings??? Is it too much to ask for people to stay on topic and not derail the conversation by siding with those at fault? Apparently it is.
Pro tip: Misandry is like unicorns. Theoretically possible on paper but not actually existing in our society.
Comments 1
It would not be long before I would learn firsthand that in the vast majority of states -- 31 -- men who father through rape are able to assert the same custody and visitation rights to their children that other fathers enjoy. When no law prohibits a rapist from exercising these rights, a woman may feel forced to bargain away her legal rights to a criminal trial in exchange for the rapist dropping the bid to have access to her child.
I'm embarrassed that I didn't realize visitation rights could ever be an issue in cases of rape.
BUT today I clicked the link and read the fail fail fail fail.
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