Tuesday's Productivity Grade: A
Yesterday was nuts.
Went to my Tuesday meeting but no one was there. :( I read some in the training manual I have out for Urban Promise.
Moved a ton of stuff. My bedroom at the 420 house is now mine and the bedroom at LHQ is now Sam's. This is nice. I still need to pick up my bed frame but that should not be difficult. I just need someone who wants to walk with me. I also did a little bit of room planning, arranging and unpacking.
Rating: 16 min. Almost not worth mentioning. At the beginning of the day there weren't any tasks though.
Tutoring: Prepared for tutoring Daniel for the first time. Tutored Riches and Daniel. Buses did not work in my favor today so I did a ton of walking and got very little else done while I was out tutoring. I also wrote the reports I needed to.
I got back on Distributed Proofreaders for Project Gutenburg. I proofed 3 pages and signed up for and started a smooth reading task. (Which involved finding and getting a zip software)
Did a little bit of supplemental job hunting, and did a bit of socializing. Yesterday was packed and diverse.