Title: Aspartame Pairing: ChunJae Length: Chaptered Summary: Jaejoong thinks he found just another sugar daddy to support him, but Yoochun is a different kind of sweet.
Glad to see you posting. Don't worry too much about the update gap, it happens. I enjoyed this ending and it is a memorable enough fic I could pick it right back up. Thanks!
This is so so so ghaaaahhhh cutee and sweet and heartwrenching and I'm sorry I might be the only one voting no but this is absolutely perfect for me and thank you for coming back and finishing this and this is just so much ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Comments 20
SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU'RE BACK! Hope everything is okay life-wise ^^
This fic was very very sweet
and makes me want to lick honey off of places
<3 <3 <3
I'm not always into AU, but this is great! Happy chunjae did end up together. Protective!min vs protective!su is fun too
thanks for this fic.
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