Title: Behind the Scenes
Pairing: Yunho/Changmin
Summary: Yunho, a successful novelist, has taken to writing his books in a spare room in his best friend's photo studio. Once he learns that Changmin would like to star in one of those books, that idea quickly begins to lead a life of its own.
Chapter Two )
Comments 2
indeed, the lines between fiction and reality are blurring for yunho... unconsciously he'd based his character on changmin, if the name wasn't any more obvious LOL, and well, his heart had started falling while his brain is still trying to catch up to it. poor yunho... and poor changmin~
i can see his attempts here and well, getting shot down, even if it wasn't intentional, hurts like a bitch... because changmin is trying.
he should try harder and maybe then yunho himself will finally realize that he is, in fact, falling in love with the handsome former model photographer.
reading the next one~^^
Love this light touch, deft writing. Changmin is an arresting character.
As always, you have the knack.
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