Title: Lifeline Pairing: Yoochun/Jaejoong Summary: One fatal accident leads Jaejoong to his soulmate, the next leaves him forty days to say goodbye. Or, in which Jaejoong dies twice and Yoochun saves him the first time.
i kind of want to hear this song jaejoong had written at his most vulnerable moment... singing it himself had touched the few people who were lucky enough to listen to it so much, i think... i can't imagine what yoochun's mother's reaction will be but yoochun had loved it and if i were him, i'd have a niggling thought in the back of my mind that something is not quite right in this...
i think the song is jaejoong's way of saying he loves yoochun very much and that he's saying goodbye, because technically he's already dead...
will yoochun see? will yoochun even miss or be sad that jaejoong will be gone when he apparently already has junsu? tho i'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe him when he said that junsu is just a colleague. :)
Comments 9
and you are beautiful and perfect
ugh ... now ... the question is, will you end it happy
or will you end it sad
either way, Jaechun smut, yes? *giggles*
love you!
<3 <3 <3 <3
And the ending, with Yoochun's comments - very beautiful.
This is a serious piece!
hiksss..... ohhh jaeeee... *this kills me*
i think the song is jaejoong's way of saying he loves yoochun very much and that he's saying goodbye, because technically he's already dead...
will yoochun see? will yoochun even miss or be sad that jaejoong will be gone when he apparently already has junsu? tho i'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe him when he said that junsu is just a colleague. :)
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