Title: Lifeline Pairing: Yoochun/Jaejoong Summary: One fatal accident leads Jaejoong to his soulmate, the next leaves him forty days to say goodbye. Or, in which Jaejoong dies twice and Yoochun saves him the first time.
THANK GOODNESS. OMG THO I'M SO HAPPY. I spent this whole update in so much stress so saaaad. But thankfully it was a happy cute cuddly ending and now these two know how much they love each other :)
Thank you so much for writing this beautiful verse <3
I read this chapter again to savor it. The part that gets to me each time is when Jaejoong asks Angel to make Yoochun forget him. Jae has become so selfless, thinking only of Yoochun,and being willing to not even be remembered to save Yoochun from pain. That part just tears me to pieces. There is so much love in this story. Thanks again.
Comments 18
aww.... its happy ending.. finally...
I'm glad jae is alive.
Thank you for the story.
And I want to thank you for the moral behind the story:
Life is too precious to waste! See through the negative - seize the good.
Carpe Diem!
Thank you so much for writing this beautiful verse <3
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