Title: Lifeline Pairing: Yoochun/Jaejoong Summary: One fatal accident leads Jaejoong to his soulmate, the next leaves him forty days to say goodbye. Or, in which Jaejoong dies twice and Yoochun saves him the first time.
I couldn't hold back my tears reading 2 until Jae meeting the Angel again, I was bawling my eyes out :( I thought that's it... He'll be gone but the ending turned out well. And I love it! This fic is too beautiful.
I'm so glad he earned another chance with all those efforts he made at fixing his relationship with Yoochun, with Yoochun's mother and even his music career got a push by performing his song at the restaurant that night!
When he asked Angel to make Yoochun forget him not to experience any grief because of losing him was really heart-breaking!
Thank you for this beautiful story, especially for the happy ending, I liked it so much!
Comments 18
When he asked Angel to make Yoochun forget him not to experience any grief because of losing him was really heart-breaking!
Thank you for this beautiful story, especially for the happy ending, I liked it so much!
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