Title: Freedom and Control Pairing: Junsu/Yoochun Summary: A famous singer and a coffee shop owner play very different roles in their public, and in their private, married life (birthday fic for BE-DDELUSIONALL) Warnings: BDSM, bondage
Omg I really like this~ I love a dominant Junsu and a submissive Yoochun, hehe, but more so how much they trust and love each other and present a healthy relationship. <3
this was lovely, truly. i actually didn't expect yoochun to be the sub but it all fits... :) with junsu's XIA persona who is always subject to the whims of his agency and with yoochun as a coffee shop owner... it is understandable that they'd want to be the opposite inside the bedroom and especially with the relationship they have. :)
i loved reading this~ i really did imagine junsu as a master and yoochun as his submissive :)
Loved it that beside the bdsm part there is also a beautiful described romantic side to their relationship.
I wouldn't mind to read more fics in this au. The mentions of hero or the intervieuw are possibilties. I hope I don't come over as a reader who demands or orders you but I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed this fic very much.
Comments 9
Anyway I really enjoyed it, especially how you described Yoochun's anticipation while he waited for Junsu!
Thank you very much!
( ... )
This is lovely~
i loved reading this~ i really did imagine junsu as a master and yoochun as his submissive :)
I wouldn't mind to read more fics in this au. The mentions of hero or the intervieuw are possibilties. I hope I don't come over as a reader who demands or orders you but I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed this fic very much.
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