Title: Frozen Fate
Pairing: Changmin/Junsu
Summary: Junsu is living a carefree, comfortable life in his father’s orchards, planning a big adventure. Everything changes when it is decided that the Prince of Ice will marry a son of one of the southern lords. Junsu learns that sometimes life pushes you in an unexpected direction, and fighting it only
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Comments 23
yoochun and jaejoong have plans while he does not. he just wants to be free... but that bit about changmin having that ability to see through lies... that's interesting. ^^
maybe changmin is going to choose someone who won't be a danger to his kingdom as well as himself and one who won't have any ulterior motives... ^^
this keeps me guessing as to what will happen when junsu gets to spend a day with the prince... it's kind of like the bachelor but it's in the semi finals already~XD
update again soon!
Ooooohhhh! Only 3 days?! the other two candidates are so well prepared, but I have a feeling Changmin isn't as easy to seduce. Can't wait to see how he'll spend his day with Junsu!
Really enjoying this!
Thank you!
Hahahhaha... gosshhh, i really love this junsu
(And aya to complete that, their interaction was kindda funny)
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