Title: Frozen Fate
Pairing: Changmin/Junsu
Summary: Junsu is living a carefree, comfortable life in his father’s orchards, planning a big adventure. Everything changes when it is decided that the Prince of Ice will marry a son of one of the southern lords. Junsu learns that sometimes life pushes you in an unexpected direction, and fighting it only
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Comments 12
I know I've said it already but I just love this story.
I'm actually quite concerned about junsu and his feelings... hopefully they'll be able to talk and understand each other. I'm waiting for this moment 😍
Thanks for sharing!
Already excited for the next chapter
Okay I know he isn't optimistic about this decision at all but I really hope time will prove how good they are for each other!
I can't wait to see them slowly getting to know each other!
I'm hopeful from now on Changmin will be less cautious to show his affection!
Anyway how long we have to wait for the wedding ceremony? Now that Junsu has decided will they start the preparations already or there's an exact length for the engagement period giving them time to get accustomed to the idea of getting married?
Thank you for the wonderful update, I enjoyed it so much!
oh god... I wish Changmin could open up a bit to Junsu that way he could maybe win his heart ;; I really love this fic! thank you for the update :)
Can't wait for the next chapter!
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