When the Walls Came Tumbling Down by Beermoney5 ( Cherry on Top Challenge )

Dec 31, 2012 15:14

Title: When the Walls Came Tumbling Down
Author: Beermoney5
Theme: Strawberry
Genre: Romance, Drama, Action
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,117
A/N: This is a continuation to my story The Sport Of Kings. If you want to read the story you can read it here.http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4675773/1/The-Sport-Of-King-s

When the Walls Came tumbling Down

Everybody thought everything would quiet down after Fire Storm returned home from the Belmont Stakes, away from the press and the crowds. They were wrong. A few days after returning home, Sango had found a couple of strangers coming out of one of the training barns, and as the week progressed, more and more strange people were showing up at the farm trying to catch a glimpse of Storm. One person actually went into Storm's pasture so his friend could take a picture of him next to the Triple Crown winner. After that incident, the front gates that were normally kept open during the day were kept closed. After he had found a young girl, who had managed to find a way in through the fence, in one of the pastures with the yearlings, Inutaisho hired a security company to watch the farm. It seemed things at home were more hectic then they were at the track.

Kagome was surprised by the recognition she was getting after winning the Triple Crown. Everywhere she went, people asked her for her autograph, even at Whispering Oaks when she went for her riding lessons. She had reached Rock-Star status over night.

“I did better than I thought I would for being off for so long,” Kagome said as she placed the clean saddle pad on River's back after removing her dressage saddle.

“Fifth place isn’t a bad position to be sitting in going into the stadium cross-country combination part of the competition,” Sango agreed.

“I seriously feel like I’m going to throw up. I’m still having second thoughts about doing this derby. Maybe I should retire.”

“Yeah, and you’ll regret doing that. It’s just nerves, and you’ll do fine,” Sesshomaru gave Kagome’s shoulders a squeeze.

“I know, but I still feel like I probably should have waited to do any competitions until the racing season was over. I think I might have rushed into this.”

“Yeah, that’s not going to happen, and you know that. You were going through withdrawals, and not only that, what if Storm continues to race next year?” Kikyo asked. “Are you really going to wait that long to show?”

“You have a point. Plus, a derby is easier than a full three-day event. Maybe I’ll get lucky and actually move up my position after the stadium jumping and cross-country portion.” Kagome laughed.

“You usually do,” Sesshomaru said, giving Kagome a leg up into the saddle.

“Sesshomaru’s right,” Sango added.

Kagome just nodded as she headed to the warm up arena.

Kagome and River sailed over the fifth jump in the arena for the stadium jumping portion of the derby and headed towards the stone wall they needed to jump to move on to the four jumps (<--not sure if this is what you were trying to say) of the cross-country course. River easily jumped over the wall and down the slight incline after it. He then moved toward the first jump of the cross-country portion of the derby: a wooden gate. Kagome had River jump it slightly off to one side. When Kagome walked the course earlier in the day, this was the best footing for jumping it. River cleared the gate without issue.

After jumping the second jump, Kagome circled River around in a u-turn fashion, leading him to the last two jumps of the cross-country portion of the derby: a combination water jump. River jumped the first portion at the perfect spot, jumping it cleanly. On the landing into the water, however, River stumbled badly, causing Kagome to lose her balance and fall forward. In response, Kagome wrapped her arms around River's neck in attempt to keep from falling off. Kagome's efforts were in vain, and she landed in the water with a big splash. The jump judge ran over and grabbed River's reins as she galloped out of the water.

“Are you okay?” the jump judge asked Kagome as he handed her the reins.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little wet,” Kagome laughed.

A fall meant disqualification, so Kagome headed off the course.

“Inuyasha is going to be so upset that he missed that fall,” Kikyo giggled as they all followed Kagome back to the trailer to untack.

“I’m glad he missed it. I would never hear the end of it”

“He would take every opportunity to remind you of it,” Sango added.

“He’s not that bad,” Kikyo defended Inuyasha.

Sango just gave her a look that said yes he would.

“Okay, you’re right: he would,” Kikyo giggled.

“I’ll untack River,” Sesshomaru offered as they reached the trailer. “Go and change out of those wet clothes,” he chuckled.

“Thanks,” Kagome replied, handing River's reins to him. She then went into the dressing room of the horse trailer to change.

Later that evening, Kagome was curled up on the couch next to Sesshomaru watching TV with his family. When the credits started running, Kagome picked up the empty bowl she had placed on the coffee table after finishing her strawberry ice cream and headed to the kitchen with it. In the dimly lit room, Kagome didn’t see the spider that was hanging out in the bowl until it started to scurry out. Kagome gave a startled squeak before dropping the bowl and spider on the ground.

“What’s wrong?” Sesshomaru asked.

“There was a spider in the bowl,” Kagome answered as Sesshomaru stood and walked over to her.

“Where is it? I’ll take care of it.”

“No! Don’t kill it. I’m going to take him outside.”

“It’ll be quick and painless.”


Kagome picked up the bowl and spoon and bent over to usher the spider back into the bowl. She then headed to the French doors that lead out to the garden. Just before she reached the doors, the spider scurried up and over the edge of the bowl towards Kagome’s hand. She let out another startled squeak before dropping the bowl and spider once again.

“I’ll take care of it,” Sesshomaru chuckled as he lifted a foot to step on the spider.

“No!” Kagome exclaimed, swatting Sesshomaru’s leg. “Just because he’s creepy and ugly doesn’t mean he deserves to die.” Everybody started to laugh as they watched Kagome take the spoon and usher the spider toward the doors. Once there, Kagome open the doors and coxed the spider outside. “There! Mission accomplished,” Kagome smiled, satisfied.

“You are odd, you know that.”

“I know. I’ve been told many times.”


Storm returned to training after his month off, and the weeks flew by. Soon, Kagome found herself back in New York at Belmont Park for their fall meet along with Storm, Silver Lining, Silhouette, Miss Scarlet, and four promising two-year-olds.

Kagome picked out Silver Lining's hooves as Sango tacked him up. In less than an hour, he would be heading to the saddling area for his race. Earlier in the day, two of Dragon Strike Farms' two-year-olds, Secret Society and Ring Of Fire, won their maiden races. Hopefully, Silver Lining would also bring home another win for the farm.

When Silver Lining was finished being tacked up, Sango lead him out of his stall and walked him out in front of the farm's assigned shed row, waiting for Bankotsu to give her the okay to take Silver Lining to the saddling paddock. As Silver Lining was being walked, Kagome noticed that he was staring to sweat even though it wasn’t a warm or humid day.

“Did you notice Silver is sweating?” Kagome asked Sango.

“Yeah, I noticed that. It could be just nerves. He knows he has a race coming up.”

“I suppose you're right, but he usually doesn’t get worked up. He’s usually completely calm.”

“Who doesn’t get worked up?” Sesshomaru asked, walking up with his father, Bankotsu, and Izayoi.

“Silver Lining. He’s starting to sweat.”

Sesshomaru glanced over at Silver Lining along with everybody else.

“That is odd,” Bankotsu said, walking over to the horse. “He could be nervous.”

“He’s never been before,” Inutaisho added.

“I know, but sometimes, even a calm horse gets caught up in the chaos of race day. And it's been pretty crazy around here because of Storm.”

“Let’s keep an eye on him just in case. If he starts acting worse and there is any question of whether or not he should race, I want to scratch him. We have until the horses go to the post to make our decision.”

“I agree,” Bankotsu replied.

In the saddling paddock, Silver Lining started pawing frantically and bobbing his head up and down, practically jumping out of his skin. Bankotsu had Miroku clip an extra lead rope to the other side of Silver Lining's halter to help Sango lead him around the walking arena with the other horses. Bankotsu hoped that Silver Lining would relax a bit after he started moving, but he didn’t. After one circuit around the walking arena, Silver Lining reared up, striking out with his front legs and clipping Sango in the shoulder, knocking her down. Before heading to the race track office to scratch Silver Lining, Inutaisho motioned for Bankotsu to bring Silver Lining out of the arena. Before he made it out of the arena, a racing steward stopped him. Inutaisho motioned for Bankotsu to come over and to bring Sango and Storm over with him.

“They want to test him?” Bankotsu asked as he and Sango approached, already knowing what the answer was.


“I’m sorry,” the racing steward apologized. “Silver Lining's behavior isn’t normal, and we’ve had complaints.”

“No apologies required. I completely understand,” Inutaisho replied.

“What’s going on?” Izayoi asked, out of breath from running over with the rest of the group from the farm.

“Silver Lining's being scratched and is being taken to the spit box for testing,” Inutaisho replied.

Izayoi nodded in understanding as the rest of the group remained quiet. None of them were surprised with the way Silver Lining was acting. If he tested positive for drugs, it would not only look bad for the farm, but Bankotsu could be suspended from training and racing.

Katrina placed a hand on Bankotsu’s arm, giving him a sympathetic smile which he returned. Kagome noticed there was something more in the gesture than reassurance, and she started to wonder if there was something going on between the two.

“Do you really think Silver could have been drugged?” Miroku asked back at the farm's stabling area where everybody waited for Inutaisho, Bankotsu, and Sango to return.

“It’s likely by the way he was acting,” Sesshomaru replied. “Silver Lining is an unnaturally calm Thoroughbred, even on race day. His behavior today screams of being drugged. Hopefully, it wasn’t enough to harm him.”

“So you really think he was drugged?” Kagome asked.

“Definitely. And I think my father and Bankotsu suspect it also, so they won’t be surprised if Silver Lining tests positive.”

“Bankotsu would never drug our horses,” Kagome said. “Nobody on the farm would.”

“I agree with you, but it doesn’t have to be anybody who works for us. Anybody here at the track could have done it.”

“Who would do something like that?” Kaname joined in.

“Maybe someone who isn’t happy with the success that Dragon Strike is having this season,” Katrina added. “The farm has been down on its luck for the last few years; then all of a sudden, it is the talk of the racing world with a Triple Crown winner.”

“I’m sure some owners are not happy with the farm's success, but the one who is being hurt the most by it is Fast Break Farms,” Miroku said.

“Issin would never do that,” Kagome jumped in to defend Inutaisho’s best friend.

“Kagome’s right,” Sesshomaru agreed.

“Maybe not Issin, but it could be his son, Naraku,” Kaname said.

“No. No matter how creepy Naraku is, and believe me I think he’s fully capable of planning and doing something like this, Naraku wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize his father’s reputation,” Kagome said.

“I agree with Kagome,” Sesshomaru said.

Sango came around the corner of the shed row, leading a prancing Silver Lining, with Inutaisho and Bankotsu following behind.

“He tested positive for Procaine,” Inutaisho said, reaching the waiting group.

“Procaine?” the group said together.

“Yes,” Bankotsu answered. “And the complaints were anonymous. Very suspicious if you ask me.”

“What about Silver?” Kagome asked.

“The vet said it wasn’t enough to hurt him, but we should keep an eye on him for 24 hours.”

“And what about you?” Katrina asked.

“They let me off with a warning, but I can guarantee that if it happens again, I’ll be suspended.”

“We've got to make sure it doesn’t happen again,” Inutaisho said, “for both the horses and Bankotsu.”

2012 term 2, -drama, -alternate universe, -action, -romance, *cherry on top challenge, beermoney5

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