Title: The Saloon
Author: Nikki Kiraga
Theme: Fan
Genre: Romance, Old-timey classic? XD Mainly AU.
Rating: G
Warnings: Craaaaap.
Word Count: 100.
Summary: Sesshoumaru sees a raven-haired beauty in a saloon. Could it be..?
Author's Note: This was slapped together in about 10 minutes. XD It's more of a PWP, just subtract smut. Lol. Sowwy. ^^'
He walked into the little saloon, surprised with how times had changed. Centuries ago, people at least didn’t smell this badly, and the humans knew their place.
His thoughts were interrupted when he saw the raven-haired beauty, hidden behind a fan in the corner. Could it be? Well, only one way to find out.
He walked over, and tipped his hat only slightly. “Would you like to dance, Madam?”
The woman smiled, and nodded. Slowly the two stepped out, and he held her against his body, her head instinctively turning to the side.
“What is your name?”
She grinned. “Kagome.”