because I can't sleep, and I have LJ-life to make up!

Apr 26, 2006 00:53

a brief post, comprising

The announcement: in case you haven't seen them, I've stuck up some clues for my far too-random choices for the first lines meme. nineveh_uk has already done a sterling job of deduction to identify the writers of two books, why don't you see if you can get the titles and save me from feeling guilty for my choices?

The question: why is it that, however many 50 pence coins I put into the tumbledriers in the basement, they always get my laundry to exactly the same stage of dampness-requiring-a-good-twenty-four-hours-still-on-drying-racks?
Oh well, at least there are driers in the basement. In my experience, doing washing in launderettes is well up there with writing job apps on the list of utterly depressing experiences, with the added disadvantage that it has to be done much more often...

And finally the introduction: my first London-y icon (it is a London skyline, honest! you can just about see St Paul's) which I'm v happy with as it references my loves for London, garretts, and this old favourite - Chatterton, by Henry Wallis. Don't worry, I'm not planning on committing romantically sprawled suicide next time my fanfic stalls. I've always found this view through the window beautiful and moving, though.

OK, shall try sleep once more. Night, all!
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