May 13, 2010 19:09

NAME: Nica
JOURNAL: kurainoyume
EMAIL: kuraikun@blackopalproductions.com
AIM: Yume no Kakyou
WIKI NAME: Kuraikun
CHARACTERS: Alessandro and Michael

FANDOM: Darker than Black
CANON: When he and Suou get picked up by Misaki
WHAT THEY LOST: His attachment to Suou and her importance to him. He'll remember her, and the things he did with her, but not feel any particular bond to her, nor any particular memory of her. She was simply a person he was traveling with who did strange things.

Dolls do not express a lot of emotion, they are more or less considered blank and are treated like robots or actual dolls. They are given 'programing' to function and in general just do what they're told. July though, similar to Yin, is in the state of evolving he has the ability to become attached to people, and make choices. Where Yin has more personality than July, July has great potential to still grow.

He has shown attachment to a few people, mostly November 11, who he referred to as partner, and Suou who he chose to follow and stuck with above everyone else. He also seems to trust Misaki, but this could simply be that November 11 trusted her and had previously ordered him to go to her when there was a problem.

Now it's easy to say that July doesn't feel anything, but this is untrue, July in fact feels a lot, and probably has emotions deep down inside, but is unable to express them or really comprehend them much. But, slowly he is gaining the ability to process them a little bit better. For example, July can get lonely, and sad, he simply doesn't express it the way a normal person would understand. But, in a situation where he needs help, he will send out his observation ghost, and to another doll, and perhaps a contractor that cares to observe, it can convey his feelings better than any words ever could.

Similar to contractors, Dolls do things logically, though much more passive. They tend to not have self preservation instincts unless some were programmed in and generally will listen to what they've been told. This includes things that are not to their benefit. But when left to their own devices they will follow those who will be beneficial to them. July shows this by following Suou and Hei after his entire team gets killed. Following them at that time was the best course of action, they would watch out for him, and he was useful to them as a doll. The likelihood of them abandoning him at that moment was low, and he could continue to serve a purpose.
THIRD-PERSON WRITING SAMPLE:July found himself in a room he had never seen before. It wasn't that he hadn't seen it that bothered him so much, as he had no memory of getting to that place. He was also alone, which meant he had lost Suou. Though, he couldn't remember why he had been following Suou to begin with, it would have made more sense to stick with Hei and Mao.

The room had nothing of interest, it might have been considered lavish, but July only considered the basics in his observations. There was a bed, it was soft. There was a dresser, it had six drawers, circular knobs and was made of mahogany. There was a mirror on the wall and some pictures. One was a forest scene with a brook and flowers, the other was of a mill by a river surrounded by green hills.

On the dresser there were several decorative items, mostly figurines and porcelain flowers painted with a water based paint. On the dresser there was a small rabbit made of glass. At this July walked over and picked it up, holding it gently in his hands and placing a hand on the rabbits back. After a few moments he lifted his had up from it and shifted slightly. He wasn't sure what to make of what he had found. His programing did not account for this sort of situation.

Not needing the room anymore, he left it and went into the hallway. He felt lost, and alone. He wanted to go where there were people, it didn't matter if they paid him attention, just that they were there. But where would there be people? He stopped and placed his hands on the glass rabbit again, searching, searching for people. Searching for the people he knew, but none of them were here.

No, that wasn't true, Hei... he knew Hei, and Hei was here. But where was he? He had a picture, but could not compile it properly. The place was too different, he needed to adjust. Maybe Hei would come to him? Maybe he would follow if he waited with his observation ghost. He doubted that though, Hei had not come for him before, there was no reason for him to come to him now. Would Hei come if it were the other doll? The girl that used to be with him?

He glanced downward and noticed an open journal, it hadn't been there when he stopped, and he hadn't carried one with him. He ignored it, and began to talk softly to no one in particular.

Searching... Suou is not here, Hei is here, Mao... not here.

[There is a boy in a hallway, his hand on a glass figure of a rabbit, he's staring into space, the journal is on the floor next to him open. He looks about ten or so, has blond hair and blue eyes and quite blank like he weren't human.]

...not Tokyo....

[He pauses, continuing to stare forward blankly.]

My programing does not cover this, assistance needed.

[He had sent his observation ghost out into the castle, traveling from one glass surface to another. But, he lets it linger when he found a trace of Hei. Maybe it was wishful thinking, but it seemed to be the best he could do right now.]

ooc, app

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