How the fuck am I going to handle Pennsic with all the food? I want to drink there, but I'm afraid it will make me gain weight. Maybe there's a health club around, or I can get up early in the morning and jog.
That's true, but I follow a very strict exercise routine, which makes me worry. Like, walking is good in general, but it's nothing compared to intense exercises. I'm just anal retentive.
Do you still need someone to camp with? I think that the other woman who wanted to camp with me is camping with her own barony since she's from Smoking Rocks, and she's bringing her teenager daughter with her so wanted to stay with a group she knew and stuff. I have no clue what's going on with everyone from Carolingia, but I do want to get some group together for camping so we have some kind of organization.
I'm not even sure if I want to go, but if you get some group together I'll consider it. I don't have a tent, or enough clothing, or really anything... and I'm not that enthusiastic about putting lots of effort into making tons of dresses, just so they'll get ruined.
Comments 3
Do you still need someone to camp with? I think that the other woman who wanted to camp with me is camping with her own barony since she's from Smoking Rocks, and she's bringing her teenager daughter with her so wanted to stay with a group she knew and stuff. I have no clue what's going on with everyone from Carolingia, but I do want to get some group together for camping so we have some kind of organization.
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