ok im sorry..but ur friend dream shit is really fucking stupid...she doenst need to tell you.. ok meaghan i think its ok..hes not bad for you. IT HAS TO BE WHAT YOU BELIEVE. Someone elses faith won't work for you. It has to be what you believe is right for you. FUCK HER!
i totally agree with your friend from above theis post, it was writen as he was unsure what to complety lie about and what to keep true about it, esp when she kep reffering "not sexual" and mentioning inserted trust him with meaghan... it seems as if teh dream was for her own pleaseure of selfishness of her and him a inner desire for what you want, she wants to take away... its obviously half lies and inserted other such shit gauh i cant stand fake spirtalist/magick ppl
I know. It was really really disturbing to read and I kept getting mad and yeh I dont know. I was just like. I KNOW WHATS RIGHT AND WHY ARE YOU ALL UP ON MY MAN BEOTCH. ;[ Guh.
uhhhm im confused.. you ppl are just nuts i read somethin about a calling card and then these ppl are havin fits about somethin totally different...ahhhhh someone explain..
HAHAHHA <33Brodee<33 Youre so cute. Err. So yeh. They're talking about my friends dream thingie where she was doing this shit with chris and yeh. It was weird. Im slightly annoyed/pissed off. BUT. WHO CARES. Ok so. Uhm. Get on aim and talk to me nownose. ♥
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