Kenzi thought she was leaving a message for Karla, to let her know where some of the stock went.
Operation Overshare: go!
"Hey, it's me. So don't worry about the missing outfits, I'm doing some 'product testing' with them and a couple board games, gonna blow Toby's mind, and anything we don't use I'll bring back. And anything we do, I'll pay back. Swear!
Operation Overshare: go!
"Hey, it's me. So don't worry about the missing outfits, I'm doing some 'product testing' with them and a couple board games, gonna blow Toby's mind, and anything we don't use I'll bring back. And anything we do, I'll pay back. Swear!
"Incidentally we're out of the mint lube."
'We' being 'Dite's. Not Kenzi. Whoops.
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