As it seems my dear girl has problems with something called customs office. Very well, if Luzifer-sama would just allow me to leave the house for a few minutes... this thing would burn! ふさけつてんだろ But maybe he doesn't want this stupid thing to be seen in hell. But she told me it's for me, somehow, but it belongs to itself. Wanne know what it is!!
But no way a miracle has happend. My shoes arrived - after what?! - nearly 3 months. Howly crap. But I like these boots, fits me well and all. Now Kitano got a new pair of jeans and is trying out my boots. どしたの??
Now we have the same situation again. She's caring for the others, too. Somehow I'm really angry right now... Luzifer-sama is strange again. Though I'm sharing her attention with both. He's talking about Kitano in danger and stuff like that.
大嘘 no way.....................................................