Title: No Girl So Sweet
Pairing: Fred/Lilah
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,335
Spoilers: general season two
Summary: AU. Wolfram & Hart rescue Fred from Pylea. Lilah gets to babysit.
Author's Note: Written for
blatterations's awesome prompt for
this comment ficathon. This was way too much fun.
Between this and Bethany all those months ago, Lilah's apartment is starting to feel like Miss Morgan's Home For Wayward Girls. At least Bethany could grasp the concept of sitting on the sofa. )
Comments 15
I HAVE WAITED FOR THIS FIC FOR SO LONG. And I really love the dynamic here because Lilah's obviously- technically- in power, but Fred's already beginning to assert her own, so the dynamics are already shifting. Fred's potential darkness is on full display- I've always thought she could easily slide to either end of the scale, depending on where her loyalties lay- and there's juuuuuuuuuuust enough teetering on the edge of darkness (and SEXINESS) to give it flavour. Lahv, lahv, lahv.
And, ya know, I sort of wondered how Lilah would deal with Fred's enthusiasm for tacos.
Here’s an anecdote for you: when Lilah was young, all she wanted was a pet jaguar. Impractical, sure, but. She loved the idea of something big and soft and lovely that could eat the faces of people who pissed her off.
HAHA, A++++.
(here from ever-neutral's link post)
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