Oh, Xander and Cordy! I loved them so much back in the day, and they still hold a corner of my heart. This ficlet is such a nice moment for each of them and their fun dynamic together - thanks for sharing!
Hee! This is cute. I miss Buffy back when it was more with the cute and less with the Big Serious World-Ending Drama. Not that I didn't like that, just, I miss this, too. (And oh, how I love my sassy Cordelia.)
Xander and Cordy! They were my favourite 'ship of the early days, all hilarious and wrong (yet oh-so-right). This was cute and amusing - one of my favourite combinations.
Wow, it seems weird to be reminiscing about Buffy as if it was so long ago because it seems like something that would just always be there and always be active but... nothing is like that. It was a long time ago, in comparison to newer fandoms and just things in general. Hmm, excuse the rant, but I never realised that Buffy has become a thing of nostalgia, like Seinfeld and The X-Files. Carry on.
Thank you! :) I love Xander/Cordy and their zany love/hate relationship -- they are so much fun.
And it is weird that Buffy's sort of drifting into the fandom nostalgia category! I actually didn't start watching it until . . . I think it was the fall after the seventh season ended, so I never actually watched it while it was on. But oh man, it was definitely one of the most significant aspects of my high school experience. :D Because I am just THAT COOL.
But seriously, it's such a brilliant show, and will always be my favourite forever, I suspect. Oh, Joss.
You know, people always forget about Xander/Cordy. It used to make me angry, back when I was irrational and tunnel vision-y.
I didn't start watching until Season Five but you know how it is with Buffy - you get absolutely OBSESSED to the point of people around you wanting to bludgeon you over the head with anything nearby, and you feel like it IS life and nothing will exist without it being one of the central points. Um, it's fair to say it was one of the most significant aspects of my life while in high school too. Ha, I'm truly surprised I actually had friends.
Comments 9
Very cute!
Wow, it seems weird to be reminiscing about Buffy as if it was so long ago because it seems like something that would just always be there and always be active but... nothing is like that. It was a long time ago, in comparison to newer fandoms and just things in general. Hmm, excuse the rant, but I never realised that Buffy has become a thing of nostalgia, like Seinfeld and The X-Files. Carry on.
And it is weird that Buffy's sort of drifting into the fandom nostalgia category! I actually didn't start watching it until . . . I think it was the fall after the seventh season ended, so I never actually watched it while it was on. But oh man, it was definitely one of the most significant aspects of my high school experience. :D Because I am just THAT COOL.
But seriously, it's such a brilliant show, and will always be my favourite forever, I suspect. Oh, Joss.
I didn't start watching until Season Five but you know how it is with Buffy - you get absolutely OBSESSED to the point of people around you wanting to bludgeon you over the head with anything nearby, and you feel like it IS life and nothing will exist without it being one of the central points. Um, it's fair to say it was one of the most significant aspects of my life while in high school too. Ha, I'm truly surprised I actually had friends.
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