hello its rosie. (you know, the one who can't draw stuff) add me or i'll kill craig nicholls (i won't but add me anyway?) yes so yr on my friends list. xxx
haha your drawkings are better than mine. pare! haha i'm gonna ask my dad what that means, he's clever. anyway you're both added, i think..but i'm crap with all this stuff xoxox
pared, par·ing, pares: To remove the outer covering or skin of with a knife or similar instrument: pare apples. To remove by or as if by cutting, clipping, or shaving: pared off the excess dough. To reduce as if by cutting off outer parts; trim: pare expenses.
HAHAHA... how exactly can you draw that anyway? it's nearly as bad as convey. we must play that again some night of boredom. and miss raeeka consider yourself added :) xx
Comments 61
add me sweetums, you know you want to ;)
kissies xxxxx
( as soon as i figure out how to )
(you know, the one who can't draw stuff)
add me or i'll kill craig nicholls (i won't but add me anyway?)
yes so yr on my friends list.
anyway you're both added, i think..but i'm crap with all this stuff
To remove the outer covering or skin of with a knife or similar instrument: pare apples.
To remove by or as if by cutting, clipping, or shaving: pared off the excess dough.
To reduce as if by cutting off outer parts; trim: pare expenses.
dictionary.com: my new best friend.
and miss raeeka consider yourself added :)
so can i add you to my friends list or what?
but from reading my journal you'll soon find out how uncool i am :p
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