Hi! Hope you don't mind me commenting here, im not a member of thriftstoreuk yet, but i'd really like the scarf you are selling there. Would that be okay?
do you mean the navy and white one? thats absolutely fine, its £2+fees so £2.27 all in, if thats all ok you can paypal to hardtobeagirl@hotmail.com x
p.s i dont know if you read but in order to join thriftstoreuk you need to join the tsuk feedback community first but then you'll be able to buy things and reply to posts straight away :)
Yeah, i joined there, and i've checked everything complies with my livejournal, but i keep getting declined! I've really no idea why and i'm quite annoyed with it really, because there are always so many things i'd like from there. I've emailed the mods twice but heard nothing. It's really frustrating. I don't what i'm doing wrong, and i don't know know what else to do apart from reapplying.
hey, just to let you know i had to work late every night this week so wasn't able to go to the post office, and now they are closed for the entire easter weekend! i will definately be able to send it out tuesday as its my day off, sorry for the delay x
Comments 5
Hope this reaches you alright! X
thats absolutely fine, its £2+fees so £2.27 all in, if thats all ok you can paypal to hardtobeagirl@hotmail.com
p.s i dont know if you read but in order to join thriftstoreuk you need to join the tsuk feedback community first but then you'll be able to buy things and reply to posts straight away :)
Yeah, i joined there, and i've checked everything complies with my livejournal, but i keep getting declined! I've really no idea why and i'm quite annoyed with it really, because there are always so many things i'd like from there. I've emailed the mods twice but heard nothing. It's really frustrating. I don't what i'm doing wrong, and i don't know know what else to do apart from reapplying.
Anyway, thanks again! :) X
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