I can help you to buy something from TAOBAO. Please make sure the measurements of sizes, color, quality(such as authentic or replica) before you make a purchase.
Every item of the Subtotal price is less than HKD$500, the commission is HKD$50 (US$6.61)
HKD$500(US$66.09) above, the commission is 9% of the subtotal.
Example 1 ,
Item 1 CNY200 +
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Comments 2529
thanks your question.
you can check loligoth database either my journal, thanks :)
Thanks :D
Item 1 CNY348+ Item 2 CNY78 + Item 3 CNY188 + Item 4 CNY198 + Item 5 CNY 588 + shipping(dont know,need to ask seller, I guess CNY 80)+ 3% charge = CNY1524.4 x hk rate1.2 = HKD$1829.28(US$235.61)
HKD$1829.28+ commission 20%+ shipping to u HKD$210(US$27.05) + 4.5%pl fee = HKD$2513.37= US$323.72
Thanks :D
Yes, you may :)
Item 1 CNY75+shipping6 + 3% charge =CNY83.43 x hk rate 1.2 = HKD$100.17+ commission HK$50 = HK$150.17
Item 2 CNY88+shipping 12 + 3% charge = CNY103 x hk rate 1.2 =HKD$123.6 + commission HKD$50 = HK$173.6
Item 3 CNY136 + shipping 12 + 3% charge = 152.44 x hk rate 1.2 =HKD$182.93+ commission HKD$50 = HK$232.93
Item 4 CNY 105 + free shipping + 3% charge =CNY108.15 x hk rate 1.2 = HK$129.78+ commission HK$50 = HK$179.78
(ALL)HKD$736.48+shipping HK$185(guess)+4.5%paypal fee = HKD$962.95(AUD138.28)
thanks :D
(Reference for later, I don't have enough money for my order yet!)
For the item 2 , they only have 17 stocks are left, and item 3, 18 stocks are left. Just let you know :)
Yes, you may contact me through LJ's PM, thanks :D
no problem :)
CNY580+shipping12 + 3% charge =CNY609.76 x hk rate 1.2 = HKD$731.71+ commission 20% + shipping to US HK$95
= HKD$973.05(US$125.33pay by bank transfer)
= HKD$1016.84(US$130.97pay by paypal)
I haven't seen that she needs extras fee for oversize, she just says that's perorder. Just to provide the measurements of shoulder, bust, height,weight and other special request to her when place an order. thanks :)
I remember you, you had purchase from me before ^o^
Item 1 CNY138+shipping30 + 3% charge =CNY173.04 x hk rate 1.2 = HKD$207.65+ commission HK$50 = HK$257.65
Item 2 CNY89+shipping 10 + 3% charge = CNY101.97 x hk rate 1.2 =HKD$122.36 + commission HKD$50 = HK$172.36
Item 3 CNY48 + shipping 30 + 3% charge = 80.34 x hk rate 1.2 =HKD$96.41+ commission HKD$50 = HK$146.41
Item 4 CNY 65 + shipping 30 + 3% charge =CNY97.85 x hk rate 1.2 = HK$117.42+ commission HK$50 = HK$167.42
(ALL)HKD$743.84+shipping HK$180(guess)+4.5%paypal fee = HKD$965.41(USD$124.34)
The first one have 4 stocks left, and the second one have 2 stocks left, just let you know :)
thanks :D
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