For some of you, this'll be the second, possibly third, time you've seen this icon. I'm just so proud of it! I posted it in 100x100movies, so you could even nominate it for icon of the week (hint, hint).
Girl IMs me. Girl says Boy cheated on me. Me ask Boy. Boy denies. Me ask supposed Cheat Chick. Cheat Chick laughs a big "no" to sleeping with Boy. Me believe Boy over lying, cheating Girl.
By now, almost everyone has heard that we sang the song in show choir individually. Yes, I did take the song down an octave so it was on my level. Yes, I do think I sounded nice (there's a first time for everything, right?). Yes, I did have a small outburst at Stern for neglecting the altos.
Chris, the present rocks. He got me a personalized VeggieTales CD for Christmas. It talks to me. "If Amber likes to waltz..." and so on. hahahaha It's fantastic!
As I posted a while ago, I am working on Aladdin icons. It would be great if you all could give me at least one quote or scene that you just love. I promise to post the icons on this journal, so you will see how you helped.