The silence does not seem to suggest enormous enthusiasm.

Oct 29, 2009 23:15

Has anyone else seen the deleted scenes from the new Star Trek movie yet?
So many things make more sense now. Like how Kirk was able to beat the Kobayashi Maru.. The green girl was helping him. Well, not intentionally. But still.
And AWW, there's baby!Spock!! That scene also should have stayed in the movie. Not just for the pleasure of seeing Spock as a baby. But also to justify why Winona Ryder played his mum. At least then she would have had a scene without all the make-up to make her look older.
Young!Kirk washing the car also explains a lot of things. Like who the other kid is (or was I the only one not getting this?). And why the hell he decided to take that car for a ride.

I'm a bit disappointed there aren't any additional scenes with Spock/Zachary Quinto. On the other hand.. he's far too awesome to delete anything with him in it. ^_^

AWW, I can't wait for the DVD!!!!

And just because it always makes me smile:

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