Другие записи:
Пара! |
День 2010.10.10, Точное время 07:38:00 |
Про блондинок |
Хотенье о_О Hello There!
Woah, I just sneezed 3 times in a row :O That never happens! Haha.
I get paid today - my last check! But my dad is screening his calls and won't pick up for me :( I need him to take me to go get it and go cash it because I'm just a little girl.
I might get my license next week FINALLY!
Anyway, I'm excited for monayyy. I made up a list on my phone of things to buy which consist mainly of: school supplies, 5/8 plugs, clothes, mascara, and moccasins.
I need socks. I haven't bought socks in like, a year I think. I haven't worn socks very much either. I wear flip flops or shoes that don't require socks during the summer. :P
And I want a vest.
And to make tie dye shirts!
See ya later!