Never let them see you cry.

Sep 05, 2010 08:12

Другие записи: День 2010.10.10, Точное время 22:17:00 | День 2010.10.01, Точное время 02:07:00 | убить время на работе | Френды, зацените креатифф, плиз.

I don't think its fair how people die. The people that are people that others love. They would trade the world to have them back, just to see them one more time. The people that die are the ones that mean the most to other people, ya know, they're loved.

Then there are the people that are alive.  Those are the people we should be so fortunate to have. But they make your life so miserable, its so hard to not wish they were dead.

But is that even fair, to wish someone dead when someone else would kill to have that figure in their life?

Do you people understand what I'm saying?
I did the best I could to explain it.
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