(no subject)

Sep 05, 2010 10:07

Другие записи: Расправь свои крылья... | День 2010.10.27, Точное время 00:51:00 | День 2010.10.21, Точное время 11:13:00 | рабочие будни

Mmmph. I'm so stressed. There's so much to get done, and all I'm doing is sitting around thinking about what I need to do and not actually doing it. But really, is there a lot to do? Or do I just think there's a lot to do? When I think about what needs to be done, its seems like a lot, but when I think about starting, it seems like nothing.

:/ I got my report card as well. I have all A's, except for a B in Spanish and a.. ahem.. 76.4% in PSAE Math. Uhhh... I don't know how I'm going to show my mom this. I'll probably be grounded. Greaaaaat.


I think I'm just going to turn off my computer for the night and go to sleep early.
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