Другие записи:
День 2010.10.27, Точное время 06:03:00 |
День 2010.08.16, Точное время 16:38:00 |
День 2010.09.04, Точное время 19:14:00 |
Манхеттен So I come home from school, and my mom starts bitching at me about the water bill. You know what she said? "YOU DONT NEED TO SHOWER EVERDAY!" Uhh, okay? I'm not a scumbag. Its called hygiene. So she called my dad and starts bitching at him about what a horrible daughter I am because I boought hair extensions with my BIRTHDAY money, I don't have a job, and I take 3-4 showers a day. That was a lie, so I called her out on it, and she slapped me! So I called her out again, because we both knew I was right. Who the fuck takes 3-4 showers a day? I used to take two, sometimes when I had conditioning/track for obvious reasons.
All she does is bitch about me. I actually do alot for her. I come home drunk, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, I clean the dishes everyday, take out the garbage when she asks, my room is clean and organized, I get almost straight A's, let alone I'm taking honors classes, and I'm going to graduate and go to college (unlike her), I never ask for money, I'm quiet, I never bother her. Sometimes I forget to do things, and all hell breaks loose. She thinks I'm the absolute worse child in the world. just because she has such high standards. I hate her. And i don't feel bad for saying it. If you were walking in my shoes, you'd understand. I'm not being a little bitch about it. She's just NUTS.
The only one who truly knew how nuts she was, was my stepdad. But now he's dead. LUCKY ME.
Anyway, this is my new phone:
it's nice, so far, but the slippy screeny thing is weird. In two week's ima go check it out at my phone store.