Title: It Happens, Chapter Four
domfangirlStarring: Paul Kellerman and Sara Scofield
Category: Multi-chapter
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Where there’s sparks, there could be fire, you know.
Author’s Notes: I just had a thought. No disrespect to Michael’s memory, it’s been six years by the timeline I use. Sara is only human. This story picks up with the
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Comments 20
Maybe, someday...
I think the epilogue will still be satisfying, though!
Now, can I put the idea in your head for a post-series Sara/Linc fic? One that doesn't include Sofia in any way? ;)
*whistles innocently*
Did you have a specific plot bunny to give me? I can't promise anything, but I really feel like I exhausted the Linc/Sara genre for myself, and I really feel like this is my last contribution to the PB fandom.
My instant reaction to continuing TMH is that if Michael died in that universe I don't know if Linc and Sara would automatically get back together. It would be strange, I think, given the givens. Hmmm. I'll think about it, though.
You've done a great job making this believable, Candy, especially considering the canon ending of Michael and that many readers can't entertain the idea of anyone else.
I also like the idea of Sara warming to him as being more of a permanent fixture, and the softening effect it has on Paul:
"Yes... Even I have a family. I didn't just spawn from an evil empire.
Oh? You sure? *g*
I also liked her being in control, without having to be on top of him. He does lurve her, doesn't he? *pets him*
The final chapter is just going to be from Sara's POV, and of course, Lincoln will be there because I've surrendered to the idea of this being my last PB hurrah and knowing I couldn't end it properly without my best character...;-)
Nice icon. Smack pie!
Sara's arms wound around his neck, pulling him into her even though he was trying to keep distance between them. “That's how it's supposed to be,” she whispered."
- Mmhh... right, and our greedily coupling couple isn't the only one here, getting not enough, tehe...^^
*grins hugely*
YAY for continuing, my dear, I was more than delighted discovering that you've written a 4th part of my fave het PB pairing
- and still one more to come, + an epilogue where Linc's involved?
- Can't wait, my dear, can't wait!^^
*does lil happy dance*
And I love that Sara mentioned 'all these little things' like Unca Linc, telling her (in his ...awkward way^^) how a lil boy should pee in the right way, LOL!^^
Also I do love that Sara decited no more condoms, heehee, good girl!^^
*licks lips*
So I'm really excited and looking forward for your next great installment of KMAN/SARA, my dear,
thank you very much for posting this one, it was delicious and a real, real pleasure to read!^^
I'm glad this has been so enjoyable for you. It has been fun to write for sure.
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