Other dude:
A bit of what happened on Sunday (B could tell it better than I could):
I didn’t get a spot in the line for the photo op so I had to stand by myself, until B joined me, and took pictures from the other line. After that we went to get some drinks and chill before we headed over to the Q&A.
We couldn’t get into the Q&A so we decided to head over to the Rainforest Café and I didn’t know where B was going, so I asked “where are you going?” She didn’t know and when I turned back to look in the direction we were going, there was Dom, heading to the Q&A. I won’t going into the whole story but basically, B grabbed me and pushed me toward Dom. That’s when I got the picture with him. He was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and B and I are still confounded by it. When asked what he wanted when he could have ANY in EITHER part, Dom said “PB &J.” WTF, mate? I didn't mention this to anyone before (including B) but before we took the picture, Dom actually told me to turn around. No shit? Really? I have to actually face the camera? *rolls eyes* That boy...
After that we went to eat, I didn’t but yeah, and then we were heading back to the park (we got fastpasses for that hang-gliding ride because it’s my favorite one). Now, first of all, I don’t know how many things had to fall into place for this to happen, but it probably has the most to do with B (the magnet).
We exited the ride (after a shocking discovery *winks*) and started heading for the main entrance. As we were walking, B stopped and had the strangest look on her face. I said “what” and looked straight ahead, there was Dom. Walking start for us. o.O We probably both looked like “dude, you’re fucking kidding me.” It took Tiff a while to see him and then we lost her because she ran to get pictures. B and I just stopped and watched him go by, still wondering how many things had to work just right for that moment to happen. He was wearing just a t-shirt then (Tiff got a picture of it). He still looked damn good. ;)
So we continued on our way,
baisleac picked us up, we dropped off Tiff at home and went to Kate’s. We chilled for a bit and just talked, as we do. It was fun. Kate and B were the best part of the weekend. :) We went to the Cat and the Fiddle for dinner and it is now tradition to go there whenever I come down. Yay!