Title: Not One of Them Involving
Rating: PG.
Fandom/Pairing: Harry Potter. Fleur/Ginny unrequited romance creys, with mentions of canon Ginny/Harry romance and Fleur/Harry friendshipishness.
Spoilers: Er. The series?
Warnings: Angst creys.
Summary: Fleur loves Harry. Fleur hates Harry.
Disclaimer: I own nothing; all is the great lady JK Rowling's. The title comes from Paramore's "Misery Business" which i just like a lot ok.
a/n: For a drabbletag challenge at
femslash100. Prompt was: [Harry Potter] Fleur/Ginny - jealous.
She loves Harry, because Harry was the little boy that saved Gabrielle. Harry was the little boy who, even in the face of unkind presumptions, stayed staunch in his determination to do all he could for anyone that needed him. Harry is a good boy (now, technically, a man), and Fleur supposes that he always will be.
She hates Harry, because Harry was the little boy that met Ginny Weasley when he was just eleven years old. Harry was the boy that captured Ginny’s heart when she was just a little girl, and Harry was the boy who won it back after casting it aside, and Harry was the boy that would always have gotten in the way, even if Fleur had ever tried to act on anything she’s ever felt towards the fiery red-headed girl.
Fleur loves him, and she hates him. She’s grateful to him, and she loathes him. She feels indebted to him for life, and she wishes that she’d never met him. She admires him, and she thinks that she could be so much better than him for Ginny, given the opportunity.
Fleur kisses him on either cheek. One kiss feels too sincere; the other brusque.