On Facebook I've been fangirling over the new trailer for the Cloud Atlas movie, directed by Tom Tykwer and Andy and Lana Wachowski. Tywer's made some good movies and one great one, but he's also responsible for the execrable Perfume, which I note was also his last foray into big-budget Euro art films. (Is it on the Hate list? No -- but maybe it
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Comments 3
Since Sonni is the only character who is not "authentic" in the novel (being a clone and all), does her world of violence and how she reacts to it really resonate in her section? Perhaps I shouldn't ask that because I want to read the book... but I know you can give me some answers without giving away anything more than I've already read about the book!
We didn't get more than twenty minutes into Perfume, which is exactly right execrable, but surely The Fountain is so widely hated that it should get some pity points for its ambition. Is it so different from Synecdoche NY?
Re Synecdoche vs The Fountain: that's an interesting way of putting it, but since I consider Synecdoche to be one of the best movies of the last ten years, and The Fountain one of the worst, I am not sure how to respond. Let me think about it.
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