Poly stuff and Free Ass :-)

May 16, 2006 22:13

okay, so those who know me know that I live a poly lifestyle.

I currently have a wife of 8+ years and a lover who, well we struggled with the fact that we had other relationships at first, but basically we've loved each other for more than 4 years now. But even with these two wonderful women in my life, I need more! I need a submissive of my very own and would love a little girl and hey, another play partner or two could be fun, oh, and some more really cool friends with whom to share life's lessons. Am I greedy? Eh, perhaps. But I'm a really nice person with a lot of love and lessons to offer, and gosh darn it... I just plain deserve it.

Sure, how nice if all of these VERY different women could be rolled into one wonderful package, but we just dont live in the land of Oz, Dorothy. Oh, wait, even Dorothy had the Scarecrow, Lion and Tin Man... oh, and of course Toto too. I just believe it's unrealistic to think that you can get everything you need from one person. Does this make me a bad person? I'd say no, just a realist. I am a complicated woman with many facets to my personality. No ONE person could ever possibly fulfill even a quarter of my needs. Does that mean that I should only be allowed to live less than 25% of my life and sacrifice all those other experiences that life has to offer? No way! I say live life to it's fullest!

And just as Dorothy loved all of her friends truly and with all of her heart, each of the ladies in my life have a special place in my heart. Each person is unique and I share different sides of me with each and enjoy different things with each. I have room in my heart for all the people I choose to share my life with.

Living a polyamorous lifestyle take a lot of patience, understanding, communication and empathy. It's also hard work! Sure, there are some who say they are "poly" but what they really mean is that they just want to sleep with every person that they might feel attracted to. Okay, wait, I'm still being too nice there... not sleep.. okay, they want to fuck every person they can! and they try to defend their ways by calling them "poly", like that makes everything okay. dont be fooled! PolyAMORY means many LOVES. not many FUCKS. So please dont judge those of us who live a fine, upstanding polyamorous lifestyle by the actions of a few very vocal but misguided pigs. I can love more than one person and still be a "good" person! If anything, I think that I might be a bit more okay than the "serial monogamists" who go from one relationship to the next, oftentimes cheating on wife #1 while "dating" wife #2 and so forth... at least I am open and honest with myself and those around me! Being poly does NOT make me sleazy, as someone recently suggested in a post I saw on another forum. That comment kind of hurt a bit. I know it wasnt meant to do so and wasnt even directed at me. If anything, I think I might have softened the author's point of view a bit on what poly might really be all about.

Wow, when did this turn into a rant? Sheesh! I just wanted to tell my friends here on lj about an association I started on Free-Ass. Oy, I get so carried away sometimes!

Anyway, the links to Free-Association.net are below. A general link, one to my profile, and one to an association (kinda like tribes) that I started all by myself! Woohoo. My very first. It is for polyamorous lesbians in the SF Bay area who are also into BSDM. Tall order, huh? Well anyway, that's my bit of whatever this is for the evening. Take it for what it might be worth to you.

Check out Free Association

This is my profile on Free Ass

And this is my SF Bay Poly Leather Women Association!


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