Okay i had this in my inbox since like June lol...behind doesn't even express it *ashamed* ^_^
http://www.aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=17628 CANNES: Mr O.J.G.O.H.A on the U.K. Martial Arts flick THE PURIFIERS and
Hey folks, Harry here with a tidbit or two on that Martial Arts film that
was shot in the U.K., which has been playing more and more into expanding
its genre selection.... Let's see how successful they were.
Long time..... oh you know the rest. Just call me
Just returned from Cannes 2004 and saw couple of films that may be of
interest to you guys.
The first, The Purifiers, a $2million martial arts (caught) film from the
UK, directed by former film critic Richard '16 Years Of Alcohol's Jobson,
and bound for release Uk wise from Working Title. The film stars Gordon
Alexander, Kevin Mckid and former Fellowship member Dominic Monahan.
I call it a martial arts film, when in reality it's not. Not really. It has
fights. And they use Martial Arts. But this film is to martial arts what
Analyse That is to Mafia movies.
The plot could have been written on the back on a match, let alone match
box. Five gangs rule the city. They are bought together by the big boss
(played with despicable over the top ness by former Trainspotter Kevin
McKid) an told that they must join up together. The Purifiers decide they
don't want this and escape (well amble out of the door). The rest of the
movie is them getting into trouble, having badly shot and edited fights,
huge leaps of logic (Jamie Choo walking into an ice rink, not realising he
was on ice then the lights come on and he falls over???) and well that's it.
jumps in logic transpire, and to be honest if it wasn't for the fact I was
sat near Jobson I would have walked out.
And the worst crime... Every fight is in sloooowwwwww moooootiooonnnnn.
Every fight. That's E V E R Y F I G H T. The fights are superbly
choreographed and the talent is there (although most were better in the
other UK martial arts film Left For Dead) but god damn I have never been so
bored watching people beat each other up. This film is slight, the plot
contrived and the action below the par of even the worst Segal film.
It's not all bad. Visually this film is great, Jobson has a good eye and his
D.O.P excells. Whilst UK martial artists Cecily Fay, Oliver Hollis, Brendan
Carr and Silvio Silmac get a good, if slight showing, others like Chris
Jones, Shane Steyn and Chloe Bruce are wasted and should have been pushed
further to the front.
But everything else is quite poor. Lead Gordon Alexander sleepwalks through
the film and by the time the final fight between him and McKid comes along,
I just couldn't have given any less of a toss. KcKid was heavily fight
doubled, former Lord Of The Rings star Dominic Monahan looked lost and
well... I could go on but you get my point.
xoxoxoxox-J : )