OK I finally remebered to do 1, which I intended to do back in oh ... november.
Uh yeah, me. You've read some of my stuff and even commented and I think you're intelligent and am interested in what you say and yeah. Ok that was totally incoherant but please give me a break ;) I'm trying to organize all the fanfiction I've written
I have seen several of your posts on Kakairu and you have provided several places for me to go and find some great downloads!! I also found out a while back, that you work with paxnirvana when you do your translations, and I love her stuff. I would like to read some of your stuff as well. I would love it if you would friend me back!! Let me know. Thanks.
Since you're a Crazy but absolutely genius....(especially base on the April Fools day prank...hahahaha), I would really love to see more of your work. Sooo....*flashing you a handsome smile* would you mind if you include me in your friend list ?
Comments 142
Uh yeah, me. You've read some of my stuff and even commented and I think you're intelligent and am interested in what you say and yeah. Ok that was totally incoherant but please give me a break ;) I'm trying to organize all the fanfiction I've written
I also found out a while back, that you work with paxnirvana when you do your translations, and I love her stuff. I would like to read some of your stuff as well. I would love it if you would friend me back!! Let me know. Thanks.
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