So this is what it takes...

Apr 04, 2007 22:59 get me to post online again. I just readthis article. Oh, and the source article. And now I really have to comment.

This is a long one, just keep walking if you don't have the time...

To be blunt, I'm appalled at this. For many reasons, which I might have to break down here. First off, a judge can declare someTHING human? That may sound harsh, but this chimp is an animal. Yeah, granted, humans are animals too, but no court order is going to make me a chimpanzee, no matter how high up the judge is. What gives this court the right to decide something like this? Can they also declare what is NOT human? According to the description of human in the article, many mental patients aren't human. Can this court then have THEM sent to the research facility as subjects? This is ridiculous. No person, be they human or not, can decide to include some other animal as a human.

Ok, animal rights are one thing. I'm a big proponent of animal WELFARE, but not strict rights per se. Basically, don't bring undo or avoidable harm to any animal and try to treat it well and with some respect. Yeah, that's vague, but the plasticity is there for a reason. Obviously, we need to eat meat, and there is only so much you can do when you own several hundred animals. We also need research, countless human and animal lives are saved due to the sacrifices of a quantifiable few (who, by the way, are treated as well as is possible, usually better than the employees). Rights are unalienable and rigid. If the animal has a right to life, then we can't eat them and we can't do research. Essentially, the modern age dies. Sounds drastic? The two most purchased items at grocery stores are bread and meat. It's a big industry. That's a large part of the economy to collapse (I believe the largest), and the way America is now, I don't think she could take it. Anyways, I think I'm getting sidetracked here.

Alright, I keep going off on how essential research is, and keep getting sidetracked on it. I'm just going to leave it as possibly more important than the meat industry and do my best to avoid mentioning it again.

Putting animal rights to the SIDE, now, we have human rights. If this animal receives human rights, there is going to come a point where it's rights supersede the rights of an actual human. WHEN DOES THIS MAKE SENSE? How does this animal deserve the money it is suing for (that's right, it is SUING A COMPANY) MORE than the company which made the money? And are they kidding? He can handle his money? Research shows that when taught a currency system (yeah, monkeys understand money, they just don't do it on their own, no need), they always spend it on two things: gambling and porn (pictures of high ranking females butts. Classy, huh?). Sometimes cigarettes and alcohol, though this is more of an individual thing. No monkey ever learned to invest or actually manage money. They just spend it. On shitty things. Arguably, this is the best proof that they ARE human, but this kills any statement that he can "handle his money".

Also, let's say this chimp makes it. He's human. I'm not too concerned about him avoiding the lab, someone else will just take his place. What's next? Sure, another few chimps, where's the harm in that? Then maybe a lesser monkey. It's just another small step, right? They're closer to each other than to us, so what's the deal? When will cats be declared human? Yeah, they don't pass the spot test, but that can't be the only way to determine self-awareness. Besides, they're about 70-80% similar in DNA. They have four limbs, right? What's the big deal? Essentially, WHERE WILL THIS END ONCE YOU START THIS BALL ROLLING??

Alright, closing remarks here. As a biologist, I can only see one way to prove that chimps are "practically human". Mate with them. If these people want to prove it, they need to start sexing up this chimps and having VIABLE OFFSPRING. They have to mate, too. This is how you prove it. If they are not willing to take this step, then they need to shut the FUCK up. This is the EXACT reason why horses and donkeys are two different species: they can have offspring, but they are sterile and the line is dead. Hence, there is a species difference, regardless of any other factors.

I will accept one other method for animals to become human: an existing human gives up all claim to the species in exchange. A 1 to 1 exchange. I suggest the lawyer, but for the future animals, someone has to come forward for each animal.

Do we REALLY need a law that defines a human has "I can't define one, but I know it when I see it?" PEOPLE AREN'T PORN.

Craig Galloway - The common-fucking-sense candidate
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