
Dec 14, 2006 15:56

Being locked out of my house today gave me ample opportunity to reflect on the general nature of our porch.  Those quiet moments of internal dialogue have led me to believe that our porch lacks in some serious rockin'chair-rockin' gunshot-cradlin' action.  Tangentially, I realized that in order for that state of affairs to obtain, I would need to ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

anonymous December 17 2006, 14:34:23 UTC
I've also encountered this Ghost Train (or one of its sycophantic lackeys), so don't let these nay-sayers say nay. It is Real and True and sound carries don’t-ya-know? Are you really going to drop acid on the 22nd? Are you sure that's a good idea? I'm not sure acid is ready to handle your mind mind. You're going to tear it a new asshole (along with the cosmic unity that is the present moment, which, I'm glad to see, made a cameo in your post). If I can't be there at the time when you transcend our dimension, let's at least meet for coffee when you return from the ethereal plane to swap psychedelic revelations.



anonymous December 17 2006, 14:37:06 UTC
You know, if I had proofread this, I would have deleted the second mind in the fifth sentence. As it stands, though, never mind.


donatien December 18 2006, 06:20:38 UTC
When are you back in town? There are many things to speak of!


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