The Cleveland Shambhala Meditation Group invites you to…..
Weekend Workshop on Looking and Seeing
First thought, best shot. When eye and mind are in the same place, you see clearly and your images are vivid. The teachings and practice of Miksang Contemplative Photography embody the Dharma Art teaching of Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche.
Miksang is a Tibetan word that translates as “Good Eye.” This introductory course, taught by Rannigan Walsh, a student of John McQuade, co-founder of The Miksang Society will be held Friday, May 20 and Saturday, May 21.
Talk and Slide Show on Friday Evening, Friday. May 21
Tyler Building, 3615 Superior Ave., Cleveland.
second floor, room #31-2-A.
Saturday will be a full day workshop that runs from 8 A.M.- 5 P.M. The cost of the program is $50. Costs include handouts, continental breakfast, and hands-on instruction. No experience is necessary. You will need a 35mm camera with manual capacity and two rolls of 24 exposure E-6 film (slide film). A follow-up date to review slides will be scheduled during the class.
Space is limited to 9, so please register early. For more information, and to register, please e-mail Rannigan Walsh at or call 440-498-0611.
“Photography is about learning to “see”, learning to be aware of things around you, seeing things you have never noticed before, using your eyes all the time, not just when you pick up the camera.”
Freeman Patterson
Photography For The Joy of It