i wasn't originally going to cut this, but it was so boring..
what's the first thing... blah blah..
**Step forward into your cave..**
happy: black lake
Britney Spears: oops!!
Help Me: help you
cat: nomar
spray: raid
TV: mother fucking survivor is on tonite
magazine: grand theft auto
jump: you know you should know bettaaahh
smack: my bottom
play: moby
onion ring: picadilly
kiss: ace
Michael Jackson: moonwalk
comedy: the amazing jonathan
bake sale: nuns
topher: vegetarian
llama: spit
bubble gum: chew
dinner rolls: this fun joke that i know
turkey: family feud
the Pope: sinead
Queen Elizabeth II: boat
sander: keith
tongue: bung
marker: magic
passions: that movie
tofu: vegetarian
hick: dave!!
carpet: curtains
penguin: joker
sofa: comfy
Anastasia: might be a singer or something
goonies: heyyy youuuu guyyyys
catch me: if i'm falling
lipstick: not a fan
redheads: yeah hi
detergent: liquid
Jesus: johnny damon
fly: day
burnt: sun
cake: pie
Jaguar: dream car
banana: hammock
goat: adam sandler
laughing: loving