[OOC: This entry follows the incident in
this log. And sorry for being inactive for a short(?) while. Mun has been busy and also addicted to an online game. >.>]
[ Private to self: ]
Mukuro-kun's birthday is approaching. I wonder what I should arrange for him. I want him to smile more for me but he still seems quite troubled about the Estraneo incident.
Speaking of which...
Though not really surprising, the Estraneo's technologies are quite impressive. It's a shame most of the known recorded information on their experiments were obliterated long ago. They too seemed to be striving for the impossible. If it weren't for some very personal conflicts, it'd be interesting to work with them. Unfortunately, I've no choice but to eradicate them from the surface of this earth. No one but me has the right to touch what is now solely - obviously - mine.
Well, I didn't expect the day when I say this would come but it seems I will have to look more into the Uccello. Perhaps Don Uccello would find my visit most pleasing.
[ Private to Kikyo: ]
Kikyo-chan, I have something to discuss with you. Contact me as soon as you are available.
[ Private to Mukuro: ]
Are you feeling any better now, love? Clinging to the past that cannot be fixed is something that will yield you no benefit. Looking at the present and ahead for the future is better and much more important.
I had some Millefiore businesses to take care of this morning, I hope you didn't find waking up alone without my warmth disappointing. Perhaps you would forgive your husband-to-be with that little flower he left in his stead?
[He left Lily of the Valley on the bed. It's a flower with the meaning of 'return of happiness'.]