Sidewalks, Chapter Three, Javey, RPS, HIV/AIDS Drama

Mar 14, 2005 17:00

Title: Sidewalks
Author: Donna
Summary: Remember when we were both so beautiful? But since then we lost our glow. ~Boy Who Deystroyed the World
Pairings: Javey
Rating: R for content
Warnings: AIDS, STDS, Person's Death, RPS, ect
Disclaimer: I do not own these people. I am not these people. I do not wish that this will happen to either of the men in this, or any of the characters that are in the whole story. Yes.

Note: Thank you for the positive feedback! I am sorry, but for those who want to know how Davey got HIV you will have to wait... you will see, though. I promise I won't make you suffer.

Another Note: I am sorry for the delay, my computer spazzed again... I will update this and "The Lovecats" as well... I'm so sorry!

Chapter Three: The Girl in the Room

Davey didn't know what to expect when he opened up the door of the office space his meeting with the help group. Was he going to see flamboyant gay men? Prositutes in their street clothes? The disease had manifested so much by now, he didn't know.

He opened the door. There, in front of him, was a circle of about nine people. They were all different. There was a little girl that stood out. She had brunette hair and a frilly pink dress.

"You must be David," an obviously dressed phyciatrist said, awkwardly chipper. "Sit in the empty seat!"

Davey sat next to the girl. The phyciatrist pulled up a chair.

"My name is Doctor Molly," the doctor explained, pointing to herself. She wore a business dress and glasses with no frames that seemed to float on her face. She had a tight bun perched on her head. "So who are all of you? If you'd like, tell if you only have HIV or if you have AIDS."

"My name is Ace," a man said, his voice laddened with a lisp, "I have HIV. My ex-boyfriend gave it to me... but you know, life goes on!"

"My name is Sonia," a woman with a Hispanic ethniticity to her said. She was quiet when she spoke. "I am HIV positive, too. I got it from a blood transfusion when I was little. I just got married and I am quite happy."

My God, she's only twenty or something, Davey thought.

"My name is Lily, I have AIDS," a bitter, middle-aged woman snapped. "I am pissed. So leave me alone."

"Duke. Tattoo mistake. AIDS."

"My name is Jessica. I got HIV from my ex."

"Shina. I am HIV positive... it wasn't my fault! Honest!"

"My name is Jacob. HIV from my boyfriend.

"Micheal. HIV. Yeah..."

The little girl came up.

"What is your name?" Dr. Molly asked in a sugar-water tone.

"M...mary... I have AIDS..."

Davey watched all the people, except Lily, cover their mouths. Sonia and Jessica cried. Davey felt his eyes become glassy. How could a little girl no more than five have AIDS?

"Hey, pansy!" Lily yelled.

Ace glowered.

Davey gave the same face to Lily. "I'm Davey. I have AIDS. Shut the-"

He watched Shina's eyes widen. "...I... I knew it... Davey Havok... you have AIDS?"

"Please don't tell the public," Davey begged.

They all nodded.

"Whatever happens here, stays here," Dr. Molly added.

"When did you find out? Are you really gay?" Shina asked.

"Shina!" Sonia exclaimed.

Davey sighed. "I found out a good two months before the last album came out. I'm not gay... but I am bi... I have someone I'm seeing."

Shina nodded. "So you didn't want to pull a publicity stunt?"


Mary looked up at Davey, confused.

"Mary, don't worry," Davey whispered out of instinct.

Mary shook her head and said, "You look sad. Is it because you have AIDS?" She then sprung up in her chair and exclaimed, "Don't be sad! It's not bad!"

Davey laughed. What did she know?

"Oh, sob," Lily cut in, "You have a multi-million dollar job as a rock star! I have no job and insurance refuses to pay half of my bills!"

"I'm not rich. 'Rock stars' are not rich most of the time. I get clothing and stuff to promote it. And I'm sure you don't even know about AFI."

"I don't," Lily snapped, "But it's just as well you got it. Polluting children's minds for a living... how dare you."

"Look who's talking," Duke snickered.

"Mary watched, blank.

Davfey wanted to get her out of there. It was amazing how so many different people had HIV/AIDS , but took it differently. How should he? Which was right?

"Now, now," Dr. Molly said, suddenly. "You all need to calm down."

Davey sat back on his chair.

"Now," Dr. Molly tapped her long finger nails as she spoke, "Does anyone have a question or two about this disease before we have a real discussion?"

Mary raised her hand.

"Yes, Mary?" Dr. Molly asked.

"Am I going to die? Are all of us?"

Davey bit his lip and looked down, his hair in his face.

"I'm not saying you'll all die," Dr. Molly said quietly, "but there is no cure. People are working on a cure and they are working veeeeery hard. You just have to believe!"

"No! Tell the girl the truth!" Lily yelled, "You're going to die, sweetie! We all are! We're doomed!"

Mary was shocked. She looked at Davey.

Davey took his arms and wrapped them around her. "She lies."

Mary was confused. It was just as well, because Davey couldn't get this as all, either.

"I just want you all to realize the difference between HIV and AIDS," Dr. Molly said quietly, "If you're HIV positive, your immune system is still able to defend the diseases it is attacked by. AIDS is when your system is slowly detiriating."

Davey wanted to cover his ears or Mary's ears. No way that as he was breathing, he was falling apart. No way was a little girl going through the same thing.

Ace noticed the panic. "Dave... you look horrified! Aren't you aware of all the risks when you go to a club or something?"

Davey went red. "I'm not that kind of person! I don't do clubs like that! I'm... I'm a good boy... or tried to be..."

There was silence.

"How did you get it?" Jacob asked.

Davey didn't speak.

"Ah, it's bad. Don't worry," Jacob said quickly.

There was more silence.

Lily said, "Aww... poor baby..."

Davey jumped up. "Do you fucking stop?!"

He shut his mouth, remembering Mary.

"Well, go on," Lily goaded. "C'mon, Pretty Boy!"

"We're all suffering from the same disease!" Davey argued, "Why pick on someone? We can all bitch and moan about aches, pains, and hospital visits, but it won't get any better."

"Stop," Dr. Molly cut in.

They calmed down. Davey's face was marred with anger. He was never so angered by one person in his life.

I'm a fucking hypocrite... he thought to himself.


"How'd it go?" Jade asked.

"There was... there was a girl... she had AIDS... she's going to die before me..." Davey whispered.

"How old?"


"A five year-old?!"

"Uh huh," Davey whispered, biting his nail.

"Don't do that," Jade said, pulling his finger from his mouth.

Davey gave him a dirty look. "I'm not going to leak blood and infect everyone."

"Awful angry today..." Jade said quietly.

"I'm sorry... there was this woman who was yelling at me and stuff."

"Really? Bitch."

"I know,"

Jade hugged him. Davey pretened to enjoy it. Jade took Davey in as a "boyfriend", so to speak, because he was the only person that could face Davey without seeing his disease. While Jade tried to make Davey feel better (He would always say "I love you" to him and he did not have a girlfriend or boyfriend ever since they decided upon this) Davey never said "I love you" back. It was cruel, but Jade didn't mind.

Davey's next day was not fun. He had a blood test and by the time he got home he was sick. He assumed he got it somewhere from teh clinic, then realizing it takes three days for a cold to develop. Not caring where it came from, he awaited his results. The doctors called in, telling him that his T cells were at a stable rate[1], which was a good sign.

When Davey got home he took an afgan, wrappe himself in it, and laid on the couch. He turned on the TV to some Spanish soap opera and covered his head.

Hunter came in. "So...?"

"I got sick again," Davey mumbled.

Hunter tried to get closer. He had to do a lot of research until he finally realized he couldn't get HIV unless he did something stupid.

Hunter sat next to him. "You want a drink or something?"

Davey slowly nodded. "I'll go get it."

Hunter shoved him down and got up. "Orange juice?"

"Sure. Thank you."

Hunter sighed as he got into the kitchen. The tour wasn't going to be... it just wasn't... not if Davey kept catching every disease known to man. Then the lisions. Oh yes, those. The raw, red, wounds that attacked Davey's beautiful porcelin skin. How do you explain to a bunch of fangirls and boys that their idol is dying and the marks on his skin were his battle scars?

Why Davey?! Why the voice of AFI? Why not someone replaceable?

Hunter took the full glass when he stopped pouring it.

He didn't want to lose his job. He didn't want to stop being Hunter, bassist of AFI.

He tried to think. Would they make another album?

Davey was going to be too sick. He knew it.

God, he didn't want it to have to end like this.

Then terrors came to Hunter. Ulcers, loss of sight, ultimately death from what could have been the common cold. He handed Davey the class. Davey quickly drank, teh citrus juice running down his chin. Hunter wiped it off.

Davey stared, big-eyed. "That was the closest contact from you to me in a few months."

"Yeah, well, I did some research!" Hunter said, proud.


"Well, I learned alot. HIV is a bloodbourne pathogen. You can only get it through 'intimate contact' or blood tranfusion or drugs and stuff like that. So I can't get it!"

"Brilliant deduction, Dr. Burgan!" Davey said, jokingly.

Hunter nodded. 'I'm sorry about all the shit I put you in."

"You get used to it," Davey said, quietly. "It's true, I am toxic. I've got a disease. Not to meantion, it won't be cured... not in this lifetime..."

Hunter sprung up. "Now, now! You never know!"

Davey sneezed. "I hate this."

"Keep drinking," Hunter demanded.


That night Davey and Jade locked themselves in a room for Davey's CTT treatment. Two men, in a room, with a drip. Whoa! The possibilities!

Jade set up the IV. He hooked up the tube appropriatly on his dear friend's arm. He watched the clear liquid go into his body.

Davey watched it like an old lady and grass growing.

Jade looked around. Pictures, platinum albums, and prospects were in this room...


"Jade, what is the point of having treatments?" Davey finally asked.

"To make you feel better," Jade said, encouragingly.

"Jade you know the side effects! I'm going to go blind!" Davey yelled.

Jade covered his friend's mouth. "Shh... Davey... Davey..."

He kissed his forehead.

Davey got up, grabbing the stand of the IV. He started to walk around the room. "Jade... why are we so unfortunate?"

"It's fate. We're not meant to be big, prehaps?"

Davey pointed to a picture of his from an article. "Hey, Jade, look at this picture. Look at this picture and then at me."


[1]= T Cells are what build up the immune system. The HIV/AIDS virus attacks them.

DAA DUM~ There you go! Pweese leave a comment and I hope you enjoyed it. I try my best every time to be as good as the all-stars 'round here... I love you all!


sidewalks, afi, javey

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