Иду проверяться на полоний-210 - Первый в ЖЖизни пост! Может и последний :)

Nov 30, 2006 01:43


"На двух авиалайнерах British Airways обнаружены следы радиоактивного элемента. " На одном из них я точно летал, а именно 7 ноября, как указано.

Какая прелесть!

P.S. If I ever go down, I'll take a lot of people with me...так что ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

как, сходил? yegor_ December 3 2006, 19:13:05 UTC
Re: как, сходил? yegor_ December 3 2006, 19:13:28 UTC
последнй абзац


Re: как, сходил? donofff December 4 2006, 10:06:26 UTC
Н-даа.... последний абзац прочел, много думал. Пока никуда не ходил - лень, да и времени мало - но самочувствие отл! Прыгал в субботу, как обычно. Но теперь уж точно схожу!


Re: как, сходил? yegor_ December 5 2006, 04:38:44 UTC
тж. http://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Nwfaq/Nfaq6.html

Po-210 is highly toxic and dangerous to handle. Its short half-life gives it an extremely intense radioactivity of 4490 Ci/g (4500 times as intense as radium-226, 65000 times as intense as Pu-239), its volatility makes it easy to ingest. The maximum allowable body burden is 0.03 microcuries (6.7x10^12 g).

The Manhattan Project found it impossible to prevent people who handled polonium from absorbing it. Fortunately absorbed polonium is not deposited in bone, but is excreted rather rapidly. Monitoring polonium content in urine, and frequent staff rotation, minimized the hazard. On the other hand, polonium deposited on inhaled particles is retained by the lung like plutonium, and can be extremely hazardous in this form. Much of the lung cancer hazard of tobacco smoking actually comes from polonium deposited on smoke particles, not chemical carcinogens.



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