crowdedhour application

Jan 28, 2010 08:08

Name: Bex

Name: Monica Reyes
Canon: The X-Files
LJ: donotnotbelieve

Character & Media Information: Monica's info at the X-Files Wiki

Character Perception:

Of all her traits, Monica most prides herself on being a risk-taker with a big heart and an open mind. While she is known to keep secrets, she generally has little problem saying what is on her mind at any given time, no matter how insane she might risk sounding to her companions. Which, because of her stance on many subjects (especially those most associated with the X-Files) is pretty often.

While Monica is not quite at the Fox Mulder-level in her drive in seeking out the unknown and paranormal, it is something that certainly affects her on many personal levels. Having majored in religious studies at university, Monica was the self-proclaimed “black sheep” at the FBI office in New Orleans, her main point of interest being satanic and occult-related crimes. Although she admits that no evidence was ever found to support the activities she investigated, it never overshadowed her beliefs. On the whole, it's not so much that Monica believes anything is possible, but rather, she doesn't discount possibilities based solely on her own experiences. It keeps her open and, she believes, honest, especially during investigations.

Also fiercely loyal, Monica has put her own well-being on the line on several occasions for her workmates and friends. She developed a strong bond with Scully after assisting in the delivery of her baby, and her pre-existing relationship with Doggett provided a strong foundation for their eventual tight friendship. Mulder shied away from her enthusiasm, but Monica, even before she knows him, considers him to be a strong member of her working family. She risks her career, and her life, to help him and Scully without a second thought. Her compassion for others is an asset to both her personal and career lives, and it always drives her to not only protect her friends, but the lives she has sworn to protect as part of her job.

Additionally, Monica is psychically inclined. This aids her in having a great amount of empathy for those around her, although her minimal psychic abilities generally manifest as visions and dreams she doesn't always understand. She also has what she simply refers to as “feelings,” which often affect her during investigations, especially when it revolves around someone close to her. She has, on occasion, sensed if someone missing is alive or dead. At the very least, Monica is a skilled empath - however, there is possibility for her to hone her psychic abilities to her advantage. For now, however, her visions and feelings remain unpredictable and, more often than not, completely enigmatic.

Timeline: Almost immediately after the series finale, “The Truth”

Monica -

Mulder contacted me. He and Scully found something that's going to blow the lid off of everything. Come meet us.

- John

Inventory: Her gun and badge, her wallet with a driver's license, a credit card, a small amount of cash, the clothes on her back and some jewelry she is wearing.

Additional Notes: Monica's canon picks up almost immediately after the events in “The Truth,” and during the in-between she had simply been waiting for her new assignment.

The character is pretty open on the 'ship front. She's also extremely friendly and will be interested in talking to anybody in game.

Role Play Sample: I have never played this character before, but here recent completed thread from Crowded Hour in which I play Gwen Cooper.

If that won't do, let me know and I can write a fic-style third person sample.


!application, -comm: crowdedhour, ooc

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