The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession Test CategoryYour ScoreAverage LJer Community Attachment6.45% You have one or two loyal pals on LJ... But you probably have better things to do with your time.22.38% MemeSheepage14.04% Only trendy when it's sufficiently entertaining27.98% Original Content17.74% Monthly bitch sessions and occasional movie reviews38.11
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....But I have been accomplishing more in other areas of my life. Maybe I'm just recovering from a winter of SAD. I certainly am becoming more productive than during the darkest part of winter, now thankfully behind us. I wonder if the boss has noticed. What am I hoping for; some kind of additional reward for doing my job
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Got the garage cleaned up, as much as is possible with a dead piece of machinery in there. Tried freeing my truck from the snow bank its been under for months. Put a good dent in it (the work that is) but determined the snow was packed just as solid under the vehicle. It may be May before it moves again
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Downloaded pictures from my camera. This was on it. I don't know who these people are. Random Strangers. Sometimes my seven year old borrows the camera, but this pic is priceless.