Jun 09, 2004 07:30
I hate going to work. First day sucked. I just wanna stay home today.
for some odd reason this morning I feel incredibly DOWN-IN-THE-DUMPS.
I hate this week.
p.s. my left leg fucking kills.
Jun 01, 2004 12:51
whatever, i'm tired of putting up with people's useless crap.
i just don't need it no mo.
so fuck you annd... fuck you.
if you have something to say, then say it to my little IM box.
(instead of through someone else.)
that is all!
the rest of you have a peachy day!
May 27, 2004 01:55
I had a fantastic time tonight.
May 21, 2004 14:18
I think I must have bipolar days.
i'm in one of those moods where i just want to lay on the floor with a fan blowing on me, sucking my thumb and have someone right next to me for comfort.
i should be devoting my weekend to my schoolwork. but that's just ridiculous. not to mention impossible.