and I'd like to start this year off with a lame-o survey.
What did you do in 2003 that you have never done before? Dyed my hair.
Did you keep your new years resolutions,and will you make one for next year? I don't know if I ever even made one. And this years' is to grow.
Did anyone close to you give birth? Well, Sam's pregnant and got married. And she's due in feburary.
Did anyone close to you die? Not close, no.
What countries did you visit? None.
What would you like in 2004 that you lacked in 2003? Purpose.
What date from 2003 will remain attatched to your life? Don't remember the day, But it was last summer.
What was the biggest achivement of the year? I started taking vitamins again.
Biggest failure? Dropped out of honers english class.
Did you suffer of an illness or injury? I barfed a couple of times...
What was the best thing you bought? That CD case thing that like, holds a million CD's.
Whoes behavior merrited celebration? My mother. She's been unusually understanding this year.